Giada Nizzoli

Writer & poet living like a quirky main character

As seen on

Hi! I’m Giada, a quirky author using words to take you on unforgettable journeys

While I occasionally add a pinch of folklore or magical realism, finding beauty and lessons in everyday life is what inspires most of my writing.

Sensorial memories, details that more distracted people might walk right past, recurring themes… that’s what makes the ordinary special.

And, with my writing, I want to inspire this feeling in you regardless of how traditionally ordinary the setting might be.

Whether I’m showing you the café by the beach in one of my hometowns or the routine of the millman’s daughter in a fantasy setting where humans and the hidden folk leave in peace, it feels real.

So real that you can escape into it whenever you need to, and those magically familiar settings and characters will always be there to welcome you with open arms.

So real that a few sprinkles of magic will undoubtedly fall off the book and you’ll become more and more of an aesthete.

Because fiction and poetry don’t end on the page. 

“Amazing writer.” Steven O’Brien, editor of The London Magazine

Ghost Hometowns: Poetry Pamphlet

Ghost Hometowns by Giada Nizzoli

Steeped in nostalgia and memorable imagery, Ghost Hometowns will take you from sunny but decadent Italian landscapes to the cold streets of London, full of unseizable possibilities.

This poetry book explores the disorienting feeling of not knowing where you belong.

Written from a migrant's perspective, it's a doomed quest for a home in your birth country, aborad and even with family sharing opposite views.

Let it guide your through your own, unescapable journey!

“I judged a book by its cover and it worked out for me. […] Why would one leave home? What is to be found elsewhere? The answers are very relatable. […] I enjoyed this book and will definitely be needing to have a physical copy on hand to enjoy flipping the pages while sipping on hot chocolate on a cold night.” @hooked.on.books.and.cookies

Set in Marble: A Magical Realism Short Story Collection

One town, squashed between some marble mountains and the Mediterranean Sea.

Four main characters with their own unique relationship to it, often embellished or distorted by nostalgia’s trickery.

Each of them with a different short story to tell

… or are they more connected than they believe?

Travel to this peculiar marble town, and explore it through the eyes, troubles, and dreams of these unforgettable characters.

Will-o’-the-Wisps: A Poetry Collection

Giada Nizzoli with her debut poetry collection

Just like the will-o’-the-wisps found in folklore and travellers’ tales, this poetry collection will transport you to a world that seems just like ours and yet feels slightly different, because the veil between thoughts and physical places is thinning.

And so is the one between everyday life and magic.

From rhyming ballads to snappy haiku and free verse, I can’t wait for you to find the poems the speak the most to you. Then ones you’ll want to underline (with a pencil, I hope) and think about when you need them the most.

Current work in progress:

a fantasy novel inspired by Faroese folklore where a young girl questions the beliefs of an entire island (cough cough, any literary agent or publisher interested?):

“Freya, the millman’s daughter, seems to be the only islander who hasn’t accepted Northern Haven’s End of Navigations. After spending her teenage years secretly saving up gold, she now thinks that this new young sailor, Kai, could be the right one to bribe in order to reach the Continent.

She must overcome her trust issues and act fast, though! With the Kraken lurking off their coast, she knows that his trips there are numbered. What she doesn’t know, however, is that seemingly pure-hearted Kai and his entire company are hiding a terrible secret.”